Technocom Soft

Android Bulk SMS Sender Needs Android Phone to Send SMS, You can connect multiple mobile phones with your PC. Every Android phone needs 'Android & Desktop SMS Sender Modem App'. So you have to download and install the 'Android & Desktop SMS Sender Modem App' :

  • Step 1: Setup your Android Phone for Android Bulk SMS Sender
    • Click Here to Download Modem App
    • Install 'Android & Desktop SMS Sender Modem' App
    • Connect Android Phone With Local Network using Wifi
    • Open 'Android & Desktop SMS Sender Modem' App
    • Click Start Server Button
  • Step 2: Connect Android Phone With Android Bulk SMS Sender
    • Open Android Bulk SMS Sender
    • Click 'Click Here to Add Android Phones' Button
    • Click 'Enter Host IP to Connect' Button
    • Enter IP Address Displayed in Android & Desktop SMS Sender Modem App
    • Click 'Add' Button
    • Click 'Select Device to Send SMS' Button
Multiple Bulk SMS Sender Multiple Bulk SMS Sender Multiple Bulk SMS Sender
  • Register : To register the "Bulk SMS Sender" click on the "Enter Activation Key" Button and fill the Registration Detail with the Activation Code.
  • Buy : You have to Buy "Bulk SMS Sender" to get Activation Code. You Can Buy it From our Site by Clicking on "Buy Activation Key" button.
  • Try Demo: You can use demo version of "Bulk SMS Sender" by clicking on "Continue in Demo Version" Button.
Multiple Bulk SMS Sender Multiple Bulk SMS Sender
In Second Step,You can add recipient mobile numbers whom you want to send SMS. Bulk SMS Sender provides a easy way to add mobile numbers you can add numbers one by one or you can also import numbers from files. Insert Name and Numbers and press "Add to Phone Numbers List" button. You can also insert name which is optional along with numbers to use it as a field for SMS text. Repeat the process for more numbers. (See Figure 2.1) sms sender sms sendersms sender (Figure 2.1) You can modify any Number and fill SMS Text by double-click on Mobile Numbers in the List. Press "Save" button to update changes. (See Figure 2.2) sms sender sms sender (Figure 2.2)
You can import mobile numbers directly from a file (.txt, .csv, .rtf, .xls, .xlsx). Open "Import Phone Numbers" tab and click on "Import Phone Numbers from File" to Import numbers from file, and then select the file from which you want to import numbers. If you select an Excel file then it will open another dialog box "Load Data from Excel File" in which you can have option to select the "Sheet" and "Column" to Import numbers. Press "Browse" button if you want to select different excel file. Checked on "My Data has Header" if your data in excel has header in first row. Finally press "Load Numbers in List". (See Figure 2.3) sms sender sms sender (See Figure 2.3)
You can create personalized unique SMS for Every Number imported from Excel file. Click on "Send Personalized SMS to every Number using Excel File" button, It will Open a custom message wizard as shown below, now wizard guide you through creating custom messages for every imported numbers. Custom Message Wizard has three steps to follow

STEP 1: Open Excel File: Click on Brows button to open Excel File.

sms sender sms sender STEP 2: Select Sheet and Numbers of Data: You can see the Available Sheets in selected Excel file with Column and Data detail, Now select the Sheet from which you want to import numbers and select the the range of data you want to extract from that sheets and click on Next. You can also select how many numbers you want to import by filling up "From" and "To" text box. sms sender STEP 3: CREATE UNIQUE SMS: You can create your own custom message as shown in image below. You can see an example by clicking on Show Example button. sms sender After creating the SMS you can preview the SMS by clicking on "Preview SMS" button now click on finish button and select the Column which contain the mobile number and click on Ok. sms sender sms sender sms sender Note : Click on "Show Example" button to see an example how to compose unique sms with excel data. (See Figure below) sms sender
In Bulk SMS Sender you can save the data of "Phone Numbers List" by clicking on "Save Project" button. It will open a dialog box in which you can select the column to save data. sms sender Import Save Project: You can import saved project by clicking on "Import Save Project" and select the file. sms sender
You can save SMS text use it as a Template in future use. You can save SMS text by Click on "Save SMS Text" button. It will open a new window as shown below Click on Save button to Save Template. sms sender sms sendersms sender
Here you can set the settings of Sending SMS. 1. Messages Priority 2. Country code as Prefix (as 91 for india). 3. Delay for SMS delivery. 4. SMS Limit sms sender
Enter the SMS text in "SMS text" box and click on "Apply this SMS to All" button to set the message for all numbers. sms sender
Click on "Add Prefix" button to add country code to all numbers in "Phone Number List" by clicking on Update List button. sms sender sms sender
You can edit number and SMS text by double clicking on the number in Phone Number List. sms sender
Go to: Help Menu Now click on Deactivate option Step 1 : Deactivate from current PC. Step 2 : Install the software on new PC and Register it with same Activation Key. sms sender sms sender sms sender

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